- Lucid soul maplestory update#
- Lucid soul maplestory Patch#
degree 1 : military police price : 650, duration : 10 seconds, Max Enemies Hit : 12, Damage 260 %, Number of Attacks : 9, Cooldown : 25 seconds.Resistance Infantry : Summons a police squad of Resistance infantry to blast the foe with long-ranged attacks.Mastema ‘s Mark : wrong claim : -10 % ( including attacks inflicting damage proportional to Max HP ), Max Uses : 2, duration : 6 seconds, Mastema ‘s Mark vanishes when duration ends or soap uses is reached.Mastema ‘s hook : Max Enemies Hit : 8, damage : 520 %, number of Attacks : 8, Cooldown : 4 seconds.Mastema uses the following skills at her own discretion : level 1 : Consumes 20 % of Max HP to summon Mastema for 31 seconds.Defender of the Demon : Summons loyal Mastema to fight by your side.stack 6 : invincible for duration of skill.push-down storage 4 : Weapon ATT/Magic ATT : +10.push-down list 3 : STR/DEX/INT/LUK : +26.push-down storage 2 : Knockback immunity : +51 %.push-down storage 1 : Skill Cooldown : -30 % seconds ( excludes skills unaffected by cooldown decrease ).Cooldown increased to 240 when buff expires, or max smokestack count is reached. level 1 : military police price 250, duration : 30 seconds, Max Stacks : 6, Each push-down list provides and extra buffet, Cooldown : 25 seconds.Call upon Freud ‘s wisdom to steel your answer and enhance your combat art. Freud’s Wisdom : even in the dark times, Freud could be relied upon for his wisdom of solomon.Activate the skill again to change their direction.
Spearmen disappear when the count of attacks is reached, they move a certain distance, or after a certain duration. level 1 : military policeman cost 500, damage : 468 %, Number of Attacks : 41, Cooldown : 20 seconds.
Press the skill key again to change their direction of bowel movement. The spearmen slow down upon touching an foe.
Phalanx Charge : Summons brave Spearmen of the Cygnus Knights to charge enemies in a phalanx formation. Enemy DEF : -10 %, Cooldown : 59 seconds. Boosts the stats of party members near the flag by 10 % in any property they have assigned AP. level 1 : military policeman monetary value : 500, Summons a Pirate ‘s Banner for 30 seconds. You can not be knocked back by foe attacks while planting your flag. Pirate’s Banner : Hoists high the banner of the weather pirate, bolstering party morale and driving fear into the hearts of your enemies. final damage increased by 10 % added on top of Advanced Dark Sight ‘s Final Damage bonus, Cooldown : 219 seconds. level 1 : military policeman monetary value : 850, duration : 30 seconds, Initiates a form of stealth that is not canceled by skills or attacks. Shadow Walker’s stealth effect is not broken by attacks or skills. Shadow Walker : Your stealth abilities have been heightened to their terminus ad quem, allowing you to attack and use skills for a short-change time period without breaking stealth. grade 1 : military policeman price 800, duration : 40 seconds, Max Enemies Hit : 10, damage : 465 %, Number of Attacks : 6, Cooldown : 120 seconds. Can alone be used when either Phoenix of Frostprey are summoned. Fury of the Wild : temporarily infuses Phoenix and Frostprey with mysterious might for a annihilative assail. Can not trigger unlearned skills, Cooldown : 15 seconds. Ignores MP cost and cooldown of selected skill. charge 1 : military police cost : 246, Uses one random skill or active Hyper Skill from 1st to 4th jobs. Unreliable Memory : Calls upon previously learned magic trick from memory. Your harbor must be active for at least 2 seconds before it can be detonated. When the carapace expires or the skill is activated again, it detonates inflicting 520 % damage to 12 enemies 5 times. level 1 : horsepower cost : 2475, Creates a protective shield that blocks damage in the come of 10 % of your MaxHP for 5 seconds. You can detonate this shield to inflict damage to nearby enemies. Blitz Shield : Harnesses your own Lifeforce to create a protective shield. degree 1 : horsepower cost : 2530, Duration : 183 seconds, EXP : +20 %, Drop Rate : +14 %, Cooldown : 180 seconds. Decent Holy Symbol : temporarily gain extra EXP and items when hunting monsters. The maximum number of skill slots has been increased, and is now 14. The V Matrix now grants a new skill slot every 5 levels alternatively of 6. Lucid soul maplestory update#
Lucid soul maplestory Patch#
Reading: v.186 – Override: Evolve Patch Notes | MapleStory
Mu Lung Dojo Formidable Opponent Grand Opening Event.